Welcome to the place where I get to share all the fun ART related things I am doing. However, if you're here for business please go to kathysteelymurals.blogspot.com

Saturday, December 29, 2012


I painted this tree for a client in her dinning room. She loves it. I love it.
I'd like to do more murals. 2013 here i come!

Christmas Gift

I made this little apron for my youngest niece. I had a blast making it, pink & lace and Velcro for a four year old. It'll go with the set of dishes grandma got her.

(This is the second time I've tried to make this post. The internet won't cooperate and upload the picture. Just stop by my brother's house for a tea party and you'll see it. She's lovely.)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


This semester has been great creating art about Jesus. I plan to make more and have an art show this Easter- look for emails.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Please join us!

I will be participating in an Arts & Crafts show
@ Grace Point Nazarene church (Raceway/ 100 S)
 Saturday, Nov 10th 9am- 2pm
Please come and visit my family's booth.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

When He calls us by name

This one is titled "Mary"
John 20: 15-16
It is the 2nd finished piece in my Jesus series.

fidget manager

This puzzle has helped me focus, stop worrying about no 2nd job, and gives my hands something to do while giving my creative mind a rest from creating my own artwork. Thanks God for puzzles.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I had an Auntie Day with one of my nephews today. As we were drawing & coloring, some circles became robin eggs and this fun, large picture hatched. After a trip to the playground and nature walk we had everything we needed. How beautiful to take a day at a childs' pace.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First piece of Jesus art

This semester I have been challenged to create a body of work around one theme. I chose Jesus. This is my version of Mark 5: 24-34.
It is a 3D painting. (Yes that's my old shoe and a found flip flop.) My Prof was tons of help in making my idea become a reality - real dirt, plaster cast hand, etc.
Tell me what you think ...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Auntie Day

My niece and I had a day of sewing. She's getting pretty good at the machine. I had to help very little. She made a poof, a decorated bag, and a pillow. Quick easy projects :-)

Friday, August 31, 2012


This is the second of many bookmarks I shall be making. Look for me @ Grace Point Naz. Craft show Nov10th. (My mom has a booth and a bunch of us Steely/Lanes will be there.)
Add caption

Monday, August 20, 2012


This is a detail from a painting I am working on. The hawk turned out incredibly detailed and I like it very much.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I enjoy the simple things in life. And sometimes simple things strike me as VERY funny.
My latest "mural" is one example... WARNING duck.
In case you haven't figured it out, I have a low ceiling on my basement stair.  

Friday, August 3, 2012

happy 4th opf July 2011

Embarrassingly I had to hunt for an art project that I started last July while my Aunt was visiting. Found it! So this week I finished the bookmark. One will be on the way to my Aunt shortly.

simple smiles

So ... i draw on my eggs in sharpie. Most of the time it's cute silly faces that might make me smile in the morning. This week i was surprised to find they were doing a horror flick...

Sunday, July 29, 2012


This summer I set a goal to complete certain little projects that I had started or recently thought up. These paisley tub toppers make will make it easier to remember what I put in them. Plus they are just fun!

New thought- I am an artist, decorate everything.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


It's summer time, which means its hard to focus.
I'm spending much of my time outdoors. This is good because it keeps me healthy but bad for art production. Rest assured I am working on a painting, some ink work, and still trying to sketch everyday. I just don't have anything note worthy finished to show you.
Please keep checking back. It is very likely that all of my current projects will finish at once.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mural is up!

Here it is! The ling awaited final project is hung on the wall @ Shepherd Community. The next time you are in the community center look up above the receptionist desk. You'll see me newest mural.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fruit Basket

Sometimes it takes a long time for art work to manifest itself. These beautiful miniature glass fruit were a Christmas gift a couple of years back. I knew a mobile was never going to look right. This month the art work asked for a small basket & laughed at me  b/c of a game we used to play called "fruit basket turnover". I am happy to say that I have more ceiling art in my kitchen. Look for  Fruit Basket the next time you are over.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

sort of Art

This past week I made three t-shirt skirts. One for me and one for each of my nieces. It's not exactly art but it is where my creative energies went. So here's a picture...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Back to school

Yippee! Classes have started again. This summer I am taking a book class so I will still have energies to put toward making new art. Stay tuned to see what i'm doing!

(p.s. if you are waiting for the final pics of my mural for Shepherd Community... keep waiting. They have yet to hang it on the wall. LOTS of things happening in that building all summer. I'll post a pic as soon as it hits the wall- my mural that is.)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Anniversary gift

Last summer I went to my best friend's wedding. His wedding ceremony took place at a park overlooking the water in Windsor, Canada. It was beautiful. I had to do some art homework and began an ink drawing of the setting. For their anniversary gift I have redone the drawing. I think it finished out quite nicely.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baby Bird Story

My Mom had a bird build her nest right on the patio. Mrs. Robin successfully raised two babies in the corner of the gazebo. Naturally my Mom asked me to do this collage with the pictures she had taken. *notice the progression from beak to tail*


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Finishing art

This is a Koi Fan that I started a LONG time ago. This week is a finishing week. I'm working on finishing those little painting projects that I started over a year ago.
(Can't resist this one... kool koi!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Sometimes I sit down to do some "daily art". I try to let my emotions come out onto the page in color. On 5-21-12 I drew a picture with orange circles and green lines. Later, while on break, I did a doodle. The two pictures turned out almost identical. I'm not sure what it means but whatever I was feeling lasted all day. :-)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jesus w/ kids #2

This one is more abstract but it is how I see the basic forms and blocks of color when I paint. Notice that the kids are all looking at Jesus and Jesus is looking at you & all of them.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Jesus w/ Kids #1

This is the first one I finished.
I've got a painting in my mind. Perhaps a nice detailed drawing will grow out of these experiments. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bob's pic

I asked a guy at Shepherd Community Center to let me know if they needed any murals done. He sent me this picture and asked me to recreate it on a canvas. Once they decide what wall they want it on I can do the mural for them.
The great thing about doing this is painting is that it challenged me to think, "What kind of picture would I make of Jesus and kids???" ...sketches have begun.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kinetic Sculpture #1

So I had the coolest Prof ever
who lets our interests guide how we accomplish each project.
I found out that the 'tree idea' I've had for a while would be called a Kinetic Sculpture. That means is reacts to its environment- in this case the wind or air flow in the room. 

Through trial and error, but mostly error, I arrived at this--->
It is made of recycled/ re purposed soda pop cans as the leaves, hangers, wire, fishing line, and obviously a big ugly frame redesigned. This art piece activates the wall and floor space but also changes as it is viewed b/c of the air flow in the room. (It would look better if the floor were white or a nice wood but the classrooms aren't that swanky.) The tree and recycle themes of the work are still pretty prevalent despite the airy, minimalist look.

The encouraging part is that I have learned about making Kinetic Sculpture, gotten some feedback about my idea, and am now one step closer to actually making the 'tree idea'.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I know...
But I had to come up with a reason why in the world a nude model would be holding a trombone...
So this whole mythological scene grew, 3 fawns, 9 kewpies, and a centaur later... wallah.

I did use the Norman Rockwell "if a painting is going badly I put in a puppy". But I've also created my own- If you need to take up a bunch of space in a drawing, put in a tuba!

Mural in New Palestine

This homeowner found me on Craig's List and asked me to paint his mini barn. There's a whole history of Mail Pouch barn advertisements. And with this warmish weather we've had this spring doing a mural outside was no problem. One great part about this project is that you can see it from the road across the park that borders his property. What fun!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Roller Coaster Complete!

This is what you've all been waiting for! The roller coaster was completed. It was named the "zero gravity coaster" because gravity had little to no effect on it. I had to push the car to get it to go down the ramps and loop-de-loops. Then I got sick of tripping over it for the past month. So I shot this video of it and some good people helped me take it down.

It was great fun to have a roller coaster around my entire dinning room. It was also great to accomplish a goal of mine. Keep watching this blog to see what i do next.

Monday, April 9, 2012

First Church Tomb

My old church called me with a Easter pagent emergency. They needed me to paint a new wall section for the tomb. It was my first job color matching and I'm quite happy with the results.
(Another artist did the greenery and the stone was from last year.)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hanging in the hallway

So i found my Prof hanging my work in the hallway at the art school. It felt a wee bit like hanging an A+ paper on the refridgerator.

I really like it

For class we had to do a piece in the style of Edwardo Conde'. My picture is entitled "Extreme Joy" and it celebrates how i feel when i am praising God.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

roller coaster update

To let you know how far I have come on my goal of building a roller coaster all the way around my dinning room... *pics*
I'm about half way. This is spring break however
and I hope to complete phase one- build it.
Of course, phase two is - test it!
Then I will most likely have to rebuild most of it.
Yes, I will have a party when it is done and everyone can come see it.
Now back to building.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Over and Under

So this is my latest work for 3D.
I spent SO MUCH time on this project.
The intent was to have something hanging under the sawhorse and something looming over it. Then it morphed into a creature who was trying to eat my strawberries. I really like how it turned out.
The negative side: After critique today i think the prof is giving me a B and not an A+. This project also completely consumed my free time for the last two weeks. I'll try to do something simple and small for the next project.
Email me and let me know what grade you would give!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Drawing Homework

This is my latest drawing homework.
Done entirely at home. Required: small drawing, even smaller inset, a border and something like a metaphor. (tire tracks say innocence in the top corner.)
Hope you like it!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


My first project in 3D class has been alot of fun and very challenging. Even though not everything I took a picture of made the final cut, I have some that I really like.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

knex adventure

So my Dad brought over his Knex and we worked on a fun idea that I had. I want to make a roller coaster that goes all the way around my dinning room.
This is what we had at the end of the first day.