Welcome to the place where I get to share all the fun ART related things I am doing. However, if you're here for business please go to kathysteelymurals.blogspot.com

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

OPC George finished!

I told you back in October that I was starting the series OPC: other peoples children.
Well here is the first, and largest, painting finished today.
This little guy lives by the ocean in Maine. Being a Midwesterner I've never seen the ocean. But I loved the photo his parents posted & had to paint it. Thanks for sharing the ocean with me little man.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Winter Break 2017

Last week I took half days at work then went to Garfield Park Conservatory to paint. It's like having a private studio in a public garden. I was the only artist there. The kids are super polite and super curious. I got messy. I forced myself to paint fast as if it was a "plein air" competition. Mostly I had a lot of fun.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

fast work

Well folks,
keeping you updated on what I'm creating
also keeps me honest.

This was fast & ugly work. It's colors were strong & bright
but perfectly what I wanted.

I promise to keep working with paint in order to find more pretty & muted colors. I promise to keep creating so that beautiful work will be shared with you here. Keep checking in on me!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Half hour finish

Sometimes, when you go back and redo a painting the second time, it finishes by itself.
My big brother gave me some beautiful wood to paint on. I loved it!
The infinity sign contains Bianco names and wedding date. Custom orders are welcome.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Great art still available

Look which painting stole the show

My "invention" of denim canvas got all the attention at the Art Sale  earlier today. The horses seen here and a landscape painted at T.C. Steele paint out were among the most noticed. Yes, denim is a challenge to paint on. It must be stretched very tight and adds texture to the paint. There is no erasing in this job.
See what's still for sale https://www.etsy.com/shop/AuntieKathysArt

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Art Sale in North Vernon, IN

Please join me Saturday, Nov. 11th @North Vernon  Church of the Nazarene for an art sale.
2195 IN 3, zipcode 47265.

North Vernon, In 472652195 Indiana 3
North Vernon, In 47265

Thursday, October 5, 2017

OPC started

Dear friends and family,
I have a secret love, OPC. I love Other People's Children. With their mother's permission I have collected a series of photo moments that I'd love to paint someday.
Someday got started this month. I am working on OPC Detamore & OPC George. Her little bunny butt observing Halloween and his king of the ocean stance: I love them.
Let's all hope that these paintings will turn out as cool as their reference photos. I'll share them here when finished.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Indy Sketchers outing


We had a bunch of people show up to sketch downtown at monument circle. Drawing the monument was not required but it think mine turned out pretty well.  I had a great time!

Because it is 90 degrees today I drank LOTS of water all day. I have a sunburn on two little spots on my shoulders but I got this great drawing.

Look for Indy Sketchers on FB or instagram. Next time join us for our sketch outings.

Saturday, September 16, 2017


I did another hippocampus in September. Yes, it is part of the brain. Yes, it is a half horse/ half fish chimera. Pastels & ink 8x 10 on paper.

Monday, August 28, 2017

an odd one

Some art pieces grow themselves. This started out as a yin-yang. (What's a good little Christian girl like me doing with a yin-yang?) Then the jump for joy men created the balance needed. (I will praise the Lord no matter the circumstance.) Finally came the perfect verses Philippians 4: 12 & 13.

I know what is it sot be in need and i know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed of hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. 

Artwork can also ruin itself. If you see my mistakes just know that it is what happens when working with ink and paper. I'd love to be given a tablet fancy drawing computer where I could fix my mistakes and only print a final perfect copy. But the physical making of art is better therapy.

Whether you believe in good and evil, balance, or God I pray that you may have the strength to meet all things in life with joy.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Paint out success!

Hooray what a day! Zionsville Paint Out was a success with almost 60 people participating. It's a busy place on a Saturday morning. I chose the paint in the farmers market. There was an older man selling hosta plants right next to a farmer with some amazing colors of food. 
This painting on the left is more of a narrative scene of the market and took two hours. 
The painting on the right is what I really wanted to focus on and took one and a half hours. 

Thursday, August 3, 2017

paint out Aug. 5th

Come see me in action at the Zionsville Paint Out August 5th. I'll be working in acrylics right there on the side walk. Judging is at 3pm. You are welcome to join me for a Pepsi.
Follow this link for details zionsville-paint-out

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Chimera: Hippocampus

Also known as a sea- horse this mythical creature was stuck in my imagination. There may be more Chimeras to come. But for now, please enjoy this colorful explosion of non-science.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

rework x2

In my endeavors to create new and interesting painting in the jump for joy series I will admit to using photos of friends and family. The first try of these two images failed. (Please don't look through the blog history to find them.)
To honor my friends and family I have reworked the images. This second attempt created something much better. I am happy to present to you "Best Friends" and "Joy Lorena".

Sunday, July 16, 2017

More Joy

In getting ready for some craft shows coming up this fall, I decided the world needed more joy. This is my favorite image to use. She is a lot of fun to paint. Paintings sold separately, jumping not required.

Monday, July 3, 2017

productive weekend

June turned into July and wow did i have a great weekend. No my house is not perfectly clean- that was the weekend before, sorry you missed it. No my to do list is not complete - that's next weekend. This time I took time out, let my right brain float around while my left brain took control.

Sleepy - 5X7 this little polar bear is just the right blend of color and white. He is waiting for you on Etsy $15

Never grow up - 11x14 is a fun exploration of action and shapes. (Yes that is my Daddy with his tongue out.) A girl who spins just to see her dress fly out. Whimsy is the key to this painting. $20

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Koi Series

The only thing that sold on Etsy so far was the easiest thing I do. I've been drawing/ painting koi fish since I became obsessed with them in 2008. For these reasons I decided to paint a koi fish series. Hey, maybe the buyers will come fishing. Either way they are fun to paint. I hope you enjoy looking at them.

You can check out my Etsy sale by following the link up to the right. 

Father's Day 2017

You may have wondered what I've been up to for the last month. I took some time off from painting to create a life size sculpture of a man out of cardboard. Yup... cardboard. This sculpture was to honor my father, my Daddy. It was covered with tools and story clips.
*i planned to make a video of it and present it here on the blog... but there was a massive structural failure and the sculpture is no more.*

It was a wonderful month of work, smiles, memories, and creative vibe. Please contact me for story clips or more pictures that my Mom took. This work of art was very well received. I thank God for art as a way to express my heart.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Rhino Migration

These adorable Rhinos will be migrating to California. In March I was contacted by Global Conservation Force, via Etsy, who requested the painting as a donation for their June auction.  I think it fitting to send the African animals that I painted while with my African nephew to do some greater good. If you want to know more about GCF check out globalconservationforce.org
If you would like to see other animals I have for sale check out

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Mini Barn #2 for this happy couple

This is the second mini-barn I've been asked to do. He's a big fan of Americana art but she got to pick this time. It is a challenge painting on the bumpy wood but this mural turned out so well. I was very happy with her face, well all of it. The entire project was only 9 hours!
Yup, I'll paint on almost anything. Do you have a wall, inside or out, that you need a mural on?

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Logo sidework

A friend of mine asked me to do a rework of his company logo.

*imagine photo here*

 The steam engine with the name Hoffman puffing out and his logo on the from on the train. He loved it! This is his website http://www.hoffmansales.net/ where my logo design will appear in the future.

*my computer suffered a great loss. All of my photos are gone. At this point I can only look forward and make more art.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Joy: resurrection

I was inspired to combine my Jump for Joy series with Jesus resurrection. My joy filled abundant life is because of Jesus resurrection. If you have any questions about joy or Jesus please contact me. We can talk over coffee or ice cream sometime.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Peony & Jesus

up to the minute news: I just declared this painting done!

My husband challenged me to paint another peony. As I started I got the idea of Jesus being superimposed on the flower, and then the idea of including the state of Indiana jumped on the bandwagon from the 2016 state celebration. So here you have it, "Jesus of Indiana".
I'm very happy with the 4 skin tones and the background. The painting is quirky for sure. It took a solid month to do 20x24 so I am very, very happy to call it done.

What have you been up to? Drop me line via email or start an Etsy conversation with me.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Bubble Nebula

Yup, I painted another Nebula. This one is my version of a bubble nebula. 
Yup, I blew bubbles into soapy paint in order get it started. 
Oh what fun painting can be. Check out my Nebula series for sale on Etsy. 


Monday, April 3, 2017

Fast Fun

So my friend shared this idea from Pinterest on FB. I just had to make her one. Mine has two faces. But as a mother of three girls I'm sure there is/ will be plenty of screaming. Fast fun art done in under an hour!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Spring Break Sale!

Check out the Spring Break Sale on my Etsy site.
$5 off any purchase or custom order of $15 or more.
Enter coupon code SPRINGBREAKSALE2017


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

break out the new paints!

This was me, surrounded by my husbands Christmas gift to me. Yup, I got more canvas and paint than I really could comprehend.
Today I am working on a large complicated peony and portrait. Trust me, you'll understand when you see it. Skin tones are super hard. So I broke out the new paints! With some playing around I have found some mixes that will work.
Next month, look here for a new 18x22 painting. It will be like a Christmas surprise.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I am not/ I am

This week I will not be posting photos of paintings on my blog wall. Instead I am painting on the kitchen wall.
I have started "Kitchen makeover 2017". The makeover will eventually include new counter tops, stove, and yes, the kitchen sink.
Tonight I am edging and rolling paint onto my kitchen walls. Trust me, photos of paint drying are not interesting so I will not be posting any.
Please know that I am painting this week! You will be the first see any new paintings. Keep checking this blog & Etsy.


Saturday, February 18, 2017


A friend felt that this man evoked the feeling of worship and suggested doves. Thank you, I tried it and I am pleased with the results.
Attention world: Worshiping God clears you up to feel free, like a bird.


snake eyes here...
...somehow got paint on his tail. That yellow was edging a painting. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Yup I'm still fascinated with nebula. This one is based on the infrared emissions of a nebula. What I like about this painting is the depth in the background- the camera doesn't let you see it. This is the third nebula I've painted. I have one more in the works. I'll let you see it as soon as it's finished. Til then, enjoy the art.

3 lioness

Commissioned by a friend as inspiration for her three young daughters. I loved making this piece because it pushed me to do something hard for ladies to whom the future looks hard. I hope it inspires them to be like lioness.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Art Show Opening

Please join me at Garfield Park Art Center this coming Saturday Feb. 4th, 5-7pm for the opening reception of LOVE hosted by SoArts. You will see four of my pieces and many other artists of Indianapolis. The show lasts the entire month of February and well worth the drive. I hope to see you there!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

My newest painting just went live!  Click on my Etsy link to the right or go to

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Jump for Joy 5

The newest piece in the Jump for Joy series. Wait for it on Etsy this weekend.