Welcome to the place where I get to share all the fun ART related things I am doing. However, if you're here for business please go to kathysteelymurals.blogspot.com

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Over Christmas break

Yes I work at a school. I've had the past two weeks off. Besides reading, watching movies, Christmas shopping and wrapping gifts, I have worked many hours on ART.
Sculpture: I've been working on a paper pulp sculpture since November. Part one is now in the painting stage. Part two is still in the paper pulp stage. Part three is tiny but not yet started.
Drawings: I'm working on drawing out some of my mural or TSB ideas. Perhaps in your city they also have a program to paint the Traffic Signal Boxes. I have just completed my second 5 part drawing for TSB. I hope to connect with city officials in early 2017.  
Keep watching this page for final photos of these and other exciting work. Meanwhile check out my art for sale ~ https://www.etsy.com/shop/AuntieKathysArt

Monday, December 26, 2016

Submitted to a show

Just to keep you up to date.
Today I submitted 4 pieces to a juried art show.  I'll keep you posted as to what happens.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


What do you do with those tiny 2 inch canvas?
Well I painted an old fashion cameo & lace of course.
I was given a bunch of these tiny canvas. A tiny art show is forthcoming. ;-)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Art Class @ Gerard Studio, Stutz Building

So this fall I was able to take a figure drawing class with my Stutz art family.

I tried something new by doing values with color. This was a 5 minute sketch.
This is a complete drawing in just 20 minutes! 

This one is more about composition and foreshortening.

The classic reclining pose. 

I am the most proud of this one! The model performs with circus groups here in Indiana so her poses were twisty and a real challenge to draw. Again i tried the color and I really like the results. All in all I'd call this drawing a success. 

If you'd like to learn more about Gerard Studio classes please email me. I will send you the schedule. steelymarble@yahoo.com

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sea Horse

This painting is long overdue. I started it last winter, so January 2016. Hello December fridged weather, Let's finish the warm water creature.
The background is a fun blue green combo that I'm really in love with. The delicate lines of color, dots and bubbles tell you how awesome and fragile he really is. 8 x 10 canvas board. See Etsy for more details. So glad to finally share this little guy with you!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

one of THOSE weeks

Ever have one of THOSE weeks? You know, the week where NOTHING happens creatively? That was my week.
So I was determined to get something accomplished this weekend. I have decorated the Christmas tree, and the house. AND I just finished our wedding photo scrapbook!
With these organizational/ creative tasks out of the way I am ready to get back to drawing and painting.

Friday, November 25, 2016

another happy customer

This is the photo I promised you of #16.
I repainted a mural sketch in 8 x10. It ended up being a Thanks/ Giving present. (Thanks for being a great friend/ Giving you artwork.) I would still love to do this idea full size. So if you know anyone who needs a mural of Jesus love...

Monday, November 14, 2016

newest Jump for Joy

This is the latest painting in my jump for joy series. I changed it up a little by adding more volume to the body. I'm not sure how i feel about it. I love the dress. I'd like the chance to do another one before I show my cousin. I think I could do better on the face and hands in an 8x10. 

So what have you been working on? 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Today my nephew would have turned 11. I spent the evening doing art therapy. It's not a perfect drawing that would make anyone go "Wow, that looks so much like Caleb!" But it's my drawing of my nephew. 

It's my way of starting to open that part of my hurt and doing more than talking about him. I spent the evening enjoying his smile. I spent the evening remembering his soft glow of personality. I spent time remembering how much we all loved him. I rest in the fact that Caleb is with my King Jesus. 
Happy Birthday, I miss you, I'm coming home when He calls. 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

two for one

A custom piece requested by a friend turned into two pieces just because I wanted to play with the backdrop. The one she doesn't pick will end up on Etsy. Which on would you choose?


Friday, October 28, 2016

sketches from Fall Break

I spent Fall Break with my college roommate Sidra in Illinois. It was a great weekend of learning and playing in the dirt on the farm. As an artist i'm always looking for color so this lettuce i was washing caught my eye. Colorful memories drawn out now that I'm at home.


As some of you know i do a lot of koi fish. The art community i am involved with, ResART 201, is thinking about doing Traffic Signal Boxes in our hood. This week i finished the sketches for a Koi traffic signal box. I'll let you know when this design becomes a reality. You can visit me in the 46201.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Painting #16 finished!

Before this very busy weekend I finished another painting. I can't show it to you because it is a gift. I will post a picture of the recipient and said painting later this year.

About #16:
Each calendar year I challenge myself with how many books I can read. Usually it hovers around 30. This year I set a goal of twice as many paintings as books, so 60 paintings. This is October and my painting #16. I'm on book 22. Lots of 5x7 in the near future OR just make the same goal and try again next year.

What gifts are you prepared to give?
What are your goals?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

reading coasters

Just to continue in my dyslexia series or READing-centric art, I have created some coasters. 
I've enjoyed reusing some of my previous works, top two, while building some new ideas into it. 

If you are interested in purchasing art please visit www.etsy.com/shop/AuntieKathysArt

Friday, October 7, 2016

Fianlly done!

All of my available artwork is now on my Etsy site. Take a minute to look for you favorite paintings on sale.
No i can get back to making art! Fun Fun. Don't worry, at least one piece is almost finished. You'll be seeing it soon.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


I was walking through the store at Sullivan Munce, Zionsville and found myself staring back at me. This silk scarf is by artist Sylvia Gray.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Dyslexia series #3

words overwhelm me
like ocean waves
letters move
I am dyslexic

Everyone once in a great while you will see a very personal, very emotionally charged painting. This one expresses how i felt when learning to read. The haiku goes with it, written on the back.

What are your challenges? How do you express them?

Friday, September 16, 2016

Check out my Etsy shop!

Dear blog followers,
Please look to the right and notice the link to my new Etsy shop. Now some of the art you see me write about and create is available for purchase. I am working hard to get more of the art you've seen posted to Etsy. Thank you for being so supportive of me in the past. Enjoy shopping!
Auntie Kathy

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Smokey Mountains

So I've not shown you the drawings i did while we were on vacation in the Great Smokey Mountains in late June. .
This one is from the balcony of our rental cabin. I like to get up early and he likes to sleep. So i had plenty of undisturbed drawing time.
Then my husband was super awesome and we went out to an overlook. He took a mid-afternoon nap and i got to draw. The mountains are so different from what i am used to. I like to watch the shadow of the clouds drift over the hills, valleys, etc. I am happy with this drawing but you do have to see the Smokey Mountains in person.

I took a BUNCH of photos. As homework I've tried to draw out some of our vacation scenes. This one was completed in September. 
What do you like about the drawings? Where have you and your been adventuring this year? 

Monday, August 15, 2016

church mural update

This was the idea that God gave me after i had asked for help. We still have the city and Jesus but the WORD is covered in word.
Obviously it is not completely finished. Jesus needs a proper face, hands and the sky needs something. This is better than last year when the idea was shelved. I'm so happy to see God move in me and what I can create. 
I am taking it to the church board tonight. Hopefully they like the idea and it moves forward. If not then I will finish the drawing and share it with just you! 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Lego Earrings

Yup, my Dad is awesome! First off I crashed Lego Sunday at the Steely house. Then I got permission to make earrings out of Lego. Dad didn't mind contributing some fun flare to my wardrobe. Clockwise we have Fabulous accent orange, Oh Christmas tree, and white squares.

If you are jealous then I am sorry. Daddy would only do this for his one and only daughter dear. However if you have Lego and want me to make you some earrings just contact me. Laugh on!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

sculpture finished!

two months to the day.
Today i have finished the paper pulp sculpture mentioned June 3rd. It looks great! I had to run to the Dollar Store for additional colors of supplies. But it is exact to the literature it is pulled from.
Unfortunately I still can't show you pictures. (I know, sorry, the suspense is killing me too.) I was asked to give this as a birthday present so you'll get a random posting later this fall after I have installed it for his or her birthday.
One more piece done!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

try try again

So it's been one of those weeks where I work on stuff and I try... And I work on stuff from a different angle and I try... Then I give it a break to work on something else and I try...But I come back and try to work on it some more. Nothing is finishing. Five things are in the works. The point is to keep working and trying right? 
What are you stuck on? 

Monday, July 11, 2016

July art so far

I've been working on a mural drawing to present to the church board. This weekend I got stuck. So in order to keep momentum, keep creating, and push through I decided to create this series entitled "Mural Sketches".
These two are failures. They will NOT be the big mural on the side of the church building. But it helps to get some of it out of my head (and in color). Back to the drawing board, literally.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Trebuchet Art = Castle #2

Every ancient siege weapon needs a castle to destroy. So here is my basic castle.
The basic castle is to get everyone warmed up in their sound effect skills. What's the fun of trebuchet art if the audience can't participate? Look for a launch date in September/ October. 

This is the ferocious beast who guards the castle. (18 x 24 so YES he's a large cat.)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Nebula #2

     So as you may know I've been reading more about the solar system, current theories, etc. The Hubble Telescope pictures are the best! They inspire me.
     This is my second nebula, or star nursery, painting. Yes that is the trinity symbol in the foreground nebula.  Because we all know Who makes the stars and calls them by name. The background or left nebula used a very sophisticated method called soap bubbles to get its organic center star nursery.  The painting looks much better in person and it should be on my living room wall until the end of July if you want to stop by. It's also for sale.
     What have you been inspired by lately? Any good book recommendations?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Trebuchet art = Castle

So I've finally done a castle for my Trebuchet Art. This is an evil castle where the treb will destroy the selfish walls of fear, lies, hate and sin.
The goal is ten pieces for the first Trebuchet Art performance. This is piece five. Keep watching this site for progress and announcements.

Friday, June 3, 2016

started a new one!

Dear Blog Followers,
I have started a new paper mache sculpture. I regret that I can't share a picture with you. Steely children CANNOT keep a secret so this sculpture will only be public after it has been presented to the owner. Please know that it has completed the paper ball model stage and will be moving quickly towards paper pulp.
If you've never played with paper I suggest you try it sometime. Like crayons, it can be lots of fun.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

T.C.Steele 2016

Today ended up fabulous.

But this morning it rained the entire time that everyone was painting at the Festival of Flowers T.C. Steele paint out. Again i used a denim canvas. Bigger this time. 16x12. All my preconceived ideas were shattered by the awesome construction and rehabilitation they are doing on the property.  The end result turned out better this way. I have a great painting of the wisteria vines covering the entrance to the house. 
And i got an honorable mention. Woo, my first award at a paint out! 
Because there is such a long wait in between paintings due and paintings judged I went and did a fast abstract of a dark red peony. I'm happy with it, for what it is. 

What fun thing did you do today? Did it include artwork? I hope so. Art is beautiful and fun. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Watch me in action!

Dear friends, Come watch me in action at this years Festival of Flowers T.C. Steele Historic Site in the beautiful Brown County. I will be participating once again in the paint out, rain or shine. This year I plan to enter three different categories. I'll need your support to get each piece finished. Please join me for a lovely day among the flowers.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mother's Day success!

Finally, after a year of work & procrastination & work, 
I have finished and presented Mother's Day 2015! This sculpture is all about memories of my mother. The little girls is floating in a dream cloud of stories and music. 

My mother is the BEST story teller! This was made with love to honor her. 
Happy Mother's Day! 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

more school installations

These are some of the Health class related installation art visuals that I've done at work. It's been a fun year of making art-ish stuff for school.

Mural Competition

Today I sent in one drawing to a local mural competition. 
Sorry for the bad photo. But its a picket line like crowd all holding signs of encouraging messages to the community. I like the idea. Let's see if anyone else does. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Yes, March was an amazing month with lots of paintings finishing very quickly. April will be slower but still productive. I have three paintings working right now. Keep checking on me. I'll have something soon.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Sold another one!
 Due to our efforts this weekend as Resart 201 at the Equine Show (it means horse) I have sold Oil Lamp Glow. Thanks to all who support local art. 
If you are interested in the last glow drawing email me for "Light bulb Glow" $20 
and remember there are little glow worms painted in that you can only see when you turn the lights out. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Also did this

I also did this for my sister-in-law. We saw the clever saying while out & about at an antique place. Much better to have a handmade item. 

Jump for Joy series

Ever since I sold "Praise" in February I knew that I wanted to get going on a series of Jump for Joy. This is round one. Using reference photos I have four new joyous jumpers. These paintings finish really fast and I was able to do these over spring break, in between all the outdoor adventures I took. 
Please let me know if you would like to be a part of Jump for Joy round two. I would like to photograph people and then put them into a series or one large work. Got joy? 


Dear blog followers,
I have a confession to make. After successfully making four pieces last month ...
I have become and addict. I must paint! I must have the next project in the works.
When I don't I get restless, irritable, I can't focus.(Oh wait, I could never really focus anyway.)
Perhaps this is how I am supposed to feel about making art. The need, the drive to create.  I'm not sure. Look out! More art is coming.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


That's right,  four! I have made my goal of four new horse paintings before the Equine Show this weekend. Look for Shepherd as you tour the art gallery.
Yeah March & yea me. If I work hard I will have a series of Jump for Joy with people ready as well. Keep your eyes on this blog for more art!

Monday, March 14, 2016


Three! Another horse painting for the upcoming art show. This one is pure fun and silliness. This is a close up on the horse face and it seemed to demand, "hello there!". I hope some fun loving preteen or family will purchase this to enjoy in their home. On to number four!

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Have you ever tried to paint or draw a horse? It's very hard. 
This is a crossover between the abstract style I was playing with in February and the need for horse pictures in March. I'm happy with the color in this painting. I'm also happy that they kind of look like horses. 
So on the the next horse painting and counting to five. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016


I have made an outrageous goal for the upcoming Horse Show Art fair in April. One done!
Thank God for audio books and Motown as I work to make my goals. Next please!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

practice art

So i started this as a "fast painting" with the goal of doing it in two weeks... Yep, let's just say it's marked Jan/Feb 2016 on the back. I'm experimenting with abstract backgrounds. But for my comfort I still have to have a subject matter. This piece ended up wanting a cute pair of Rhinos. What do you think?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

$2 art studio

My friend and I have been drawing at Garfield Park Conservatory on Saturday mornings. It's so beautiful, peaceful and sunny. Won't you join us sometime?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Coloring 4 School

Coloring pages count as art right? 
Who cares as long as the final work of art makes you think or feel something! 
So answer the question, How do you stay fit? Do you treadmill while reading blogs? 
I'd like to hear from you! 

finished- again

Koi Coasters now available. I wanted them to look finished from all angles so I've painted the back & sides. Continue checking our Shalom Arts Esty site for new art.

Monday, January 25, 2016


Say goodbye to "Praise" from 2014. It has been sold due to our Shalom Arts initiative at Shepherd. It feels great to sell a piece once in a while.